Department of Pharmacology


1. Dr. U.P. Gawali
1. Nandeshwar MB, Gawali UP, Bansode AA. Comparison of artesunate and quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria: a randomized control trial. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2015;4:770-4.
2. Gawali U, Umathe A. A Comparison of Effect of Metformin in Combination with Glimepiride and Glibenclamide on Glycaemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Aug 2015; 3(8): 7258-7266.
3. Gawali UP, Bansode AA. Pattern of adverse drug reactions to anti –epileptic drugs in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2017;7(5):611-613.
4. Gawali UP, Deshkar A. Pharmacovigilance study of antiasthmatic agents in patients of bronchial asthma at a tertiary care centre. Int J Adv Res 2017; 5(3): 1867-1871.


2. Dr. Prashant Shirure
1. Shirure PA, Baig MS, Gade PR, Khandelwal PN. Drug Profile-Bisoprolol. The Antiseptic 2006 March; 103; 137-141.
2. Jamdade PT, Porwal A, Shinde JV, Erram SS, Kamat VV, Karmarkar PS, Bhagtani K, Dhorepatil S, Irpatgire R, Bhagat H, Kolte SS, Shirure PA. Efficacy and Tolerability of Intramuscular Dexketoprofen in Postoperative Pain Management following Hernia Repair Surgery. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Anesthesiology Research and Practice 2011, 1-4.
3.  Karne N, Basu I, Dhaniwala NK, Azhar Almas CM, Khaire R, Datta A, Shirure P. Efficacy and tolerability of two chirally pure NSAIDs in combination with paracetamol: results of two multicentric, randomized, parallel-group studies in Indian patients. Journal of Therapeutic Advances 2011April-June; 1:10-15.
4. Shirure PA,  Tadvi NA, Bajait CS, Baig MS, Gade P. Comparative effect of fixed dose combination of Amlodipine + Bisoprolol versus Amlodipine and Bisoprolol alone on blood pressure in stage-2 essential hypertensive patients. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 2012 Oct-Dec; 1(1):13-19.
5. Degaonkar AS, Jamdade PT, Bhamare NS, Shirure PA, Manjuprasad MS, Swami OC. Medical expulsion therapy in the management of ureteric calculi: a comparative real-life experience. Int Surg J 2017;4:2311-5.
6. Patil SS, Mehta M, Thakare V, Shende S, Shirure PA, Swami OC. Role of insulin in management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:2282-92.
7. Kesari HV, Shirure PA, Deshkar AT. Awareness about drug information center among health-care professionals at a tertiary care hospital. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2017;7(6):557-561.
8. Patil AP, Shirure PA. Effect of add-on proton pump inhibitors on parameters of glycemic control in type-2 diabetic patients. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;6:1233-7.
9. Patil AP, Shirure PA, Khobragade RS. Awareness study of Pharmacovigilance among the health care professionals (nursing staff) at tertiary care hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:3596-9.


3. Dr.V.R. Zad
1. Mankar NN, Zad VR, Agharia MM, Sawant SD, Bansode AA. Knowledge, attitude and practices towards ayurvedic   medicine use among second year MBBS students. Journal of evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2015 Jan;4(2):223-227.
 2. Bansode AA, Zad VR, Sawant SD, Dudhal KS. Awareness about Pharmacovigilance among  
    Resident Doctors in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental 
    Sciences 2015 Jan; 4(2): 207-210.
 3. Wadivkar PP, Zad VR, Vakharia MP, Shah KU. Assessment of Knowledge of pharmacovigilance among the nurses of tertiary care hospital 2015 Nov-Dec. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology;4(6):1194-1197.
4. Mankar NN, Zad VR, Vakharia MP. Efficacy of alternate day versus daily atorvastatin in reduction of low density lipoprotsein cholesterol; a prospective randomized, open labeled, parallel group study. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2016 July- Aug; 5(4):1421-1424.
5. Vakharia MP, Zad VR, Mankar NN, Wadivkar PP, Shah KU. Pharmacogenomics of Metformin- A Way to Personalised medicine.Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2016;5(2):55-61.
6. Vakharia MP, Zad VR, Mankar NN, Wadivkar PP. Knowledge, attitude and practice of prescribing antioxidants in patients with hypertension amongst practicing physicians. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2016 Aug; 5(4):1349-1352.
7. Vakharia MP, Zad VR, Wadivkar PP, Shah KU. Study of Drug Utilization Pattern in Gynecology OPD of a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016;3(4):70-75.
8. Wadivkar PP, Zad VR, Shah KU, Mankar NN, Vakharia MP. A comparative study of efficacy and safety of vildagliptin against metformin in newly diagnosed patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Jan; 5(1):150-155


4. Dr. Rupali Jadhav
1. Jadhav RB, Baig MS, Gade PR, Khandelwal PN. Comparative Efficacy And Safety Of Doxofylline Versus Theophylline in Bronchial Asthma And Copd Patients. International journal of Scientific Research 2014 Oct; 3(10): 465-469.
2. Kashyapa H, Verma L, Jadhav RB. Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies: The Path towards Universal Vaccines. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2016 Sept; 4(9):12602-12605.
3. Kashyapa H, Jadhav RB, Gawali UP, Shah KU. Adherence to JNC-7 guidelines in prescribing anti-hypertensive medications to hypertensive patients with co-morbid conditions in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016 Oct; 3(10): 36-42.
4. Kashyapa H, Verma L, Jadhav RB. Lamotrigine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome in a 25 year old lady. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2016; 5:2694-6.
5. Kashyapa H, Jadhav RB. Knowledge, attitudes and practice   survey on Rational use of antibiotics among prescribers in a tertiary care hospital in Solapur. International journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio-Science 2016; 5(6): 134-143.
6. Naikwadi SA, Jadhav RB. Nimesulide induced Stevens Johnson Syndrome: a case report. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017; 6:2094-7.


5. Dr. Amit Bansode
1. Bansode AA, Zad VR, Sawant SD, Dudhal KS. Awareness about Pharmacovigilance among Resident Doctors in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015 Jan; 4(2): 207-210.
2. Mankar NN, Zad VR, Agharia MM, Sawant SD, Bansode AA. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Ayurvedic Medicine use among Second Year MBBS Students. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015 Jan; 4(2): 223-227.
3. Nandeshwar MB, Gawali UP, Bansode AA. Comparison of artesunate and quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria: a randomized control trial. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2015;4:770-4.
4.Gawali UP, Bansode AA. Pattern of adverse drug reactions to anti –epileptic drugs in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2017;7(5):611-613.
5. Dudhal KS, Bapat TR, Bansode AA. Evaluation of lipid lowering ability of atorvastatin and ezetimibe combination as compared with atorvastatin monotherapy. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol 2017;6:1643-9.


6. Dr. Shahid Saache
1. Saache S, Divhare SA, Ghongane BB. Potassium Channel Modifiers: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2015 July Aug;6(4): 1127-1134.
2. Saache SA, Divhare SA, Katare SS, Katole NT, Ghongane BB. The Role of Animal Experiments in Pharmacology Curriculum: A Teacher Student Perspective. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015 May-June;6(3): 1405-1410.
3. Sayyad H, Ghongane BB, Saache SA. Teaching critical appraisal of drug promotional brochures using who guidelines to medical students. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2015 Oct; 6(4): (P) 494 - 502 
4. Hasina Sayyad, Ghongane B.B, Shahid Saache and Smita Tiwari. Teaching critical appraisal of drug promotional brochures on ability of medical students to identify violations of existing WHO Guidelines. IOSR-JDMS.2017;16(2):43–48.
5. Shahid Saache et al. Antibacterial Prescription Pattern in Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units of a Tertiary Care Hospital. Jr of Med. Sci and Clinical Research. 2017;5(3): 19472-19477.



7. Dr harshad kesari
Kesari HV, Shirure PA, Deshkar AT. Awareness about drug information center among health-care professionals at a tertiary care hospital. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2017;7(6):557-561.

8. Dr. Shagupta Naikwadi.
Naikwadi SA, Jadhav RB. Nimesulide induced Stevens Johnson Syndrome: a case report. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;6:2094-7.


9. Dr. Amruta P. Patil
1. Patil AP, Shirure PA. Effect of add-on proton pump inhibitors on parameters of glycemic control in type-2 diabetic patients. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;6:1233-7.

2. Patil AP, Shirure PA, Khobragade RS. Awareness study of Pharmacovigilance among the health care professionals (nursing staff) at tertiary care hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:3596-9.

10. Dr. Anuradha Deshkar
Gawali UP, Deshkar A. Pharmacovigilance study of antiasthmatic agents in patients of bronchial asthma at a tertiary care centre. Int J Adv Res 2017; 5(3): 1867-1871.

11. Dr. Rasika Khobragade
Patil AP, Shirure PA, Khobragade RS. Awareness study of Pharmacovigilance among the health care professionals (nursing staff) at tertiary care hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:3596-9.










1. A Study of the antihypertensive efficacy, endothelial function modulating effect & antioxidant property of Nebivolol in comparison with Atenolol in patients with newly detected Stage I hypertension
P.G.Student– Dr. Naikwadi Shagupta Akram.
P. G. Guide – Dr.Rupali B.Jadhav.

2.  Comparative effects of telmisartan versus losartan on lipid profile and blood sugar level in newly diagnosed stage -I hypertensive dyslipidemic patients.
P.G.Student– Dr. Patil Amruta Pasgonda.
P.G. Guide – Dr. Prashant A. Shirure.

3. A comparison of the antiproteinuric effect of Telmisartan versus Losartan in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and overt nephropathy
P.G.Student– Dr. Kesari Harshad Vijay
P.G. Guide – Dr. Ujwala. P.Gawali.

4. Comparison of combination metformin-vildagliptine versus metformin - glimeperide in patients of  type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with inadequately  control metformin monotherapy.
P.G.Student– Dr. Deshkar Anuradha Tulshiram
P.G. Guide – Dr. Ujwala. P.Gawali.

5. A comparative study of efficacy and safety of Atorvastatine (10mg) coadministered with Ezetimibe (10 mg) versus Atorvastatine (20mg) monotherapy in newly diagnosed patients with dyslipidemia.
P.G.Student– Dr. Khobragade Rasika Sanjay
P. G. Guide – Dr.Vijay R. Zad

6. Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Levetiracetam and carbamazepine as monotherapy in partial seizure.
P.G.Student– Dr. Sharma Dharmendra Sitaram
P.G. Guide – Dr. Prashant A. Shirure.