Department of Pharmacology

Functions and objectives

I) Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching

1. Goal      
The broad goal of teaching pharmacology to undergraduate students is to inculcate in them a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics.

2. Educational objectives

(a) Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to -
i. describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs
ii. list the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs
iii. Indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration of its cost, efficacy and safety for -
individual needs, and mass therapy under national health programs
iv Describe the pharmacokinetic basis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of
common poisonings
v Integrate the list the drugs of addiction and recommend the management
vi. Classify environmental and occupational pollutants and state the management issues
vii. Explain pharmacological basis of prescribing drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age
vii Explain the concept of rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology viii state the principles underlying the concept of `Essential Drugs‟
ix Evaluate the ethics and modalities involved in the development and introduction of new drugs

(b) Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to - i. prescribe drugs for common ailments
ii. Identify adverse reactions and interactions of commonly used drugs
iii. Interpret the data of experiments designed for the study of effects of drugs and bioassays which are observed during the study
iv. Scan information on common pharmaceutical preparations and critically evaluate drug formulations
v. Be well-conversant with the principles of pharmacy and dispense the medications giving proper instructions

(c) Integration
Practical knowledge of rational use of drugs in clinical practice will be acquired through integrated teaching vertically with pre-clinical & clinical subjects and horizontally with other para-clinical subjects.

II) Post-graduate Pharmacology teaching
The overall goal of the course is to develop expertise in the field of Pharmacology. A process of rational thinking and cogent action will be inculcated in an individual so that he/ she shall be competent to pursue various activities as demanded by the profession as Pharmacologist

1. Goals:
1) To understand pharmacology in depth with understanding of the rational use of drugs, clinical pharmacology and to prepare good quality teachers.
2) Introducing students to advances in teaching technology, Computer Aided
Learning, internet, patent laws and procedures etc.
3) To orient students for research & developments.

2. Objectives: To achieve this goal, the following objectives must be fulfilled. At the end of course in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the trained specialist shall be able to develop these domains.

Cognitive domain:
1) Apply basic principles of pharmacology and therapeutics to practice rational use of existing drugs and evaluation of new drugs.
2) Collect and analyze experimental and clinical data related to drug kinetics or dynamics.
3) Interpret the analyzed data with reasonable accuracy and derive logical conclusions.
4) Provide appropriate advice related to selection of drug, drug usage ( desirable and undesirable effects, Kinetics, interactions), Precautions and measures to be taken during administration of drug and treating the ADRs in a given patient taking into consideration physiological, psychological & Pathological features
5) Audit drug utilization and drug related adverse events
6) Assess emergency situations while carrying out drug trials and institute emergency management till appropriate assistance from clinical side is available.
7) Develop the ability for continued self-learning so as to update the knowledge of recent advances in the field of Pharmacology and allied fields
8) Be competent to teach and train undergraduate and future postgraduate medical students and junior doctors in Pharmacology and Therapeutics as well as nurses and paramedical staff in Medical Colleges, Institutions and other Hospitals.
9) Plan and carry out both laboratory and clinical research with adherence to scientific methodology and GLP/GCP guidelines
10) Be aware of legal and ethical aspects of drug evaluation.
11) Communicate the findings, results and conclusions of scientific research, both verbally and in writings
12) Be aware of regulatory procedures needed to be carried out prior to the marketing of a new drug in India.

Psychomotor domain:
1) Perform common experimental techniques required for evaluation of new drug with competence
2) Perform common clinical procedures required for evaluation of drug in normal volunteers and patients with competence
3) Organize and manage administrative responsibilities for routine day to day work as well as new situations
4) Carry out necessary resuscitative measures in emergency situations arising during drug evaluation
5) Use teaching-learning media effectively.

Affective domain:
1) Appreciate socio-psychological, cultural and environmental factors affecting health and drug usage.
2) Appreciate the importance and implementation of National health programs in context to rational drug utilization
3) Be aware of the importance of cost-effectiveness in patient management
4) Be aware of service activities which a pharmacologist can undertake viz. therapeutic drug monitoring, ADR monitoring, drug information services, poison control center, drug auditing etc.
5) Adopt ethical principles while conducting experimental and human research
6) Develop communication skills to interact with patients, peers and paramedical staff.
7) Realize the importance of team work
8) Develop attitudes required for professional responsibilities.

III) Teaching Pharmacology to registered homeopathic practitioners

1. Goal
The broad goal of teaching pharmacology is to inculcate a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics.
To be eligible to practice allopath the candidate must pass examination conducted at the end of the course.

2. Educational objectives

(a) Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to –
i. Describe the mechanism of action & uses of essential and commonly used drugs
ii. List the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs.
iii. Indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration of its cost, efficacy and safety for – individual needs, and mass therapy under National
Health Programs.
iv. Describe the signs & symptoms of common illnesses, its clinical presentation, diagnosis and management.
v. Explain pharmacological basis of prescribing drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age.
vi. State the principles underlying the concept of Essential Drugs used in common illness
& NHP.
vii. He should be able to understand roll of primary health care system in view of NHP.
viii. To be well conversation with lifestyle modifications in the management of illnesses.

(b) Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to –
i. Prescribe drugs for common ailments
ii. Identify adverse reactions and interactions of commonly used drugs
iii. Be well-conversant with pre & post prescriptions counseling the principles of pharmacy and dispense the medications giving proper instructions.

IV) Teaching Pharmacology to nursing, BPMT students
To acquire basic pharmacology knowledge that is required for nursing and paramedical care of the patients in the hospitals.